Starlight Lily QAL: All the details


The QAL starts tomorrow and I just realized I need to post the plan for the four weeks! Here is the deal:

To join all you need to do is follow along here and then post your progress to Instagram with #starlightlilyQAL

  • Week 1: Fabric choices! Look for a post tomorrow all about choosing fabric for a gorgeous finish. I’ll also talk a little bit about tools that will help you along the way. This week’s prize is a $25 gift certificate to Lamb and Loom has a fantastic selection of modern fabrics and wonderful customer service.

  • Week 2: How to make the Lily Block. This week will have a video tutorial that will show you all the steps to make your Lily Block. If you’re new to foundation paper piecing (FPP to super quilty folks), this video will help make sense of all the weirdness that is paper piecing. There is something about FPP—maybe that everything is backwards?—that makes it just easier to see. I feel like when I did math with my Dad—ugh, stop explaining and just show me what to do! The prize this week is another $25 gift certificate to another really fantastic shop for modern quilters!

  • Week 3: Make more blocks! Now you’ve got it figured out, it’s time to make a bunch more—16 all together. It’s really great for building your skills to make a series of the same block. By the time you get to block 16, you’ll be a pro! If you get all your blocks done, you’ll be eligible to win the Week 3 prize—a gorgeous bundle of Ruby Star Society prints from Fabric Stork—they have the best bundles!

  • Week 4: Finishing your quilt top! Yay! You’ll be surprised how quickly this quilt comes together—once you get your blocks done the rest of the quilt is a breeze. AND, we have a fantastic prize lined up for one lucky finisher! Now Fabric Now is an online shop that specializes in Tula Pink and other favorites like Amy Butler and Anna Maria Horner, and you can win a $100 gift certificate to this unique boutique!

I hope you are all ready to jump in tomorrow! Remember to get your pattern either here on this site or from my Etsy shop.


Starlight Lily QAL: Week 1


Big Top Quilt Along: Week 6